why detox at Christmas?

3 Reasons to Go to Detox Before Christmas

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SoCal Detox

SoCal Detox editorial contributors include writers, editors, mental health and substance abuse treatment professionals who are trained to create credible and authoritative health information that is accurate, informative, and easy to understand.

It’s the stress. It’s the family convergence. It’s the weather. Its simply the memories. All of these things that can represent both good and difficult aspects about the holiday season can converge to spell certain disaster for someone strolling with a substance use disorder (or addiction).

Maybe it’s the financial woes, the family drama, or the bigger struggle of making everything work. The end of the year is a time when many people relapse or find the deepest end of the depths of their addiction. It’s vital to get ahead of this before the rock bottom comes and puts everything in danger. Here are 3 reasons to go to detox before Christmas comes this year.

1. Stress Around the Holidays and Addiction 

For plenty of folks, past holiday seasons are a blur. However, for a person with an addiction, that blur is more like a coma. The continual shopping, the family situations, trying to get in front of end-of-year work or school, all of these so often push people to turning to drugs or alcohol. And for a person with an addiction that means the season becomes one binge after the next until it is a single forgotten cold month. Getting into rehab now is a preventative measure. Get in front of the dangerous situation before it takes you down.

The holidays are hard for many people. For those who don’t have a support system, they can feel extra lonely. Instead of using substances to cope with the pain, consider checking into a detox in Orange County, California. They can give you the tools and support to get you on the right path and finally have a Christmas you remember: the first of a new life. 

2. Starting the New Year Sober

Speaking of a new life, the New Year is good timing for choosing recovery. People make resolutions for a variety of different reasons. When the new year rolls around, they want a clean slate and a chance to start over fresh. Many people decide to do things to better themselves. They want to look and feel better than they ever have before. Detox and residential treatment is your first step to the best you. The you that you will want to be next year and all the years after.

You’ve tried to get clean in the past? Possibly even during the new year? There is a reason that didn’t work. The evidence is clear, if you struggle with the chronic disease of substance use disorder (drug or alcohol addiction) you need professional help. Resolutions won’t do it. Promises won’ help. You need professional help from an experienced team that can walk you through the detox and create a sustainable plan for lasting sobriety and help you move into residential treatment. Resolutions are fine, but you can’t simply “decide” to not have a disease. You need a treatment.

3. Giving the Best Gift: Recovery

Here’s where this might feel a little selfish, but stick with us here. Your life. Your relationships. Your finances. Your future. These are all at stake. It’s tough to hear, but the only place addiction leads is to the grave or prison. Now is the time to make the decision for yourself. To give yourself the gift of hope, possibly, and a future.

And though we said this is somewhat selfish, it is paradoxically the best thing you can do for anyone close to you. Your parents, your significant other, your children. They deserve the best version of you. Your decision to find recovery and save your own life can come from a place of powerful selflessness. Indeed, so many people in lasting recovery have found that their family, friends, and loved ones are the real reason they have made it last.

You Can’t Do It Alone

It’s important that anyone with a substance use disorder knows that they don’t have to fight alone. In fact, it’s vital they know that they can’t do it alone. Counselors, detox specialists, doctors, teams of caring professionals are available to help a person get clean during the holidays or anytime they’re ready.

Like it or not, the holidays are here. It’s time to decide if this is the year you turn it all around. The Christmas you remember forever as the best thing you ever did.

Call us today to make this a reality: 888-590-0777.

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