addiction help for my spouse

Signs Your Spouse May Have an Addiction

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SoCal Detox

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Having a suspicious mind is not a way to live in a loving relationship. Believing the worst about your wife or husband, constantly questioning, worried, or wondering. That said, a person with a drug or alcohol use disorder is likely to want to keep their dependence a secret. Often even from themselves. The stigma, along with the brain’s powerful drive and the body’s physical need all combine to make finding and using their substance the highest priority in their life. And keeping it a secret from their family is one of the ways to ensure that they can continue using.

With that in mind, the lengths a person with an addiction will go to hide their use are extreme. So even when it comes to someone you live with and are close to, you may have to do a bit of detective work and see if there are any of the telltale signs of addiction.

Know the Addiction Warning Signs (here are 10 of them)

Not all of these will be present in your spouse, but they are common signs. And most likely a few of these will be in play if your husband or wife is currently dealing with a substance use disorder.

1. Irritable Behavior

This especially comes up when a person with a substance use disorder is confronted. However, you may notice that there is a general anger or strong irritation when the day’s chosen activity does not include alcohol or their drug of choice.

2. Problems With Sleep

The body is deeply affected by the amount of sleep we get. Just about every addictive substance alters a person’s sleep patterns. Even alcohol. Though it might make a person feel sleepy, it often keeps them from finding deep sleep, making them more tired throughout the day.

3. Loss of Appetite or Weight

Many drug users simply lose sight of eating, so they tend to go long stretches without eating. As crazy as it sounds, the fix from drugs or alcohol takes precedence. As well, stimulants (cocaine or meth) will increase metabolism and suppress an appetite.

4. Missing Money

Addiction is expensive. And it’s a disease that people often try to hide. It’s a painful secret. If your spouse has an addiction, chunks of cash will go missing. As well, personal items around the house might simply disappear to be sold on craigslist or an app on the phone.

5. Neglect of Personal Hygiene

Similar to the weight issue, addiction changes a person’s priorities. This could result in dirty possessions, cluttered living, and lack of care for their own body.

6. Nose Issues

Many types of drugs are inhaled through the nose (also called snorting). This can cause excessive sniffing and sneezing, and because the layer of skin on the inside of the nose is so thin, it could even produce frequent bloody noses.

7. Eye Problems

With addiction, a person’s pupils are often either enlarged or constricted. Methamphetamine or cocaine will enlarge the pupil while heroin and other opiates will constrict the pupils. Yellowing can occur in the eyes because of liver dysfunction. And redness will occur from broken blood vessels.

8. Secrecy

When your spouse becomes more secretive about where they are going or where they have been, this could be an indication there is a problem. They also become secretive about calls and texts. Along with this, new friends might be appearing and taking more of your spouse’s time.

9. Loss of Motivation

this can be seen in a poor or declining job performance, as well there will be a loss of interest in hobbies and recreational activities. Once again, obtaining the substance is what drives most of their actions.

10. Other Obvious Sings …

Track marks on their body (these are the small dots left from needle use), smells of alcohol or other substances, or the presence of drug paraphernalia are all clear signs of possible addiction.

Addiction Help for Your Spouse in Orange County, California

If your spouse is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they have a disease that rewires their brain and influences their behaviors in ways that makes them feel like a different person. What they need now is help. Accusations and shame will likely only push them further away from you, and into their created prison.

If you are in this situation, please call us today. Our specialists are available to help you understand the best steps to take.

SoCal Detox in San Clemente, California, has an experienced team ready to help your spouse take the first step in lasting recovery.

Call now, 888-590-0777.

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