Bad Advise for Drug and Alcohol Detox

Bad Advice About Detox

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SoCal Detox

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We all have them. Well-meaning people in our lives. Friends, family, friends-of-friends, family acquaintances once removed. Random strangers in the line at the grocery store. They seem to know what is best for us and for most people altogether. Maybe they read an article online or talked to a person—an expert in the field. Then all the sudden, they have all kinds of advice to dole out on the subject at hand. Believe us. We have heard it, too. Especially where detox is concerned. There is advice on drug and alcohol detox all over the place these days. Some of it is fine, but some of it is bad and could even be harmful.

With that in mind, here are a few things you might hear about detox that you should really consider … ignoring. Drug and alcohol detox is a vital part of every person’s recovery journey. If you or a loved one are considering addiction treatment, make sure you start on a solid foundation by starting with a proper, professional detox.

Bad Advice 1: “You Don’t Need Detox for Addiction Treatment”

The fact that a drug or alcohol addiction can be treated is good news. It is a disease that must be managed throughout a person’s life; however millions of people can attest: lifelong freedom from addiction is absolutely possible. But it’s a long road—particularly at the start. A professional detox is vital to helping a person find the strongest path to their own personal recovery. 

If you are already not familiar, once a person has decided to get clean, there is a lot of psychological, emotional, and behavioral work to get to. It’s the basis of every individual’s full recovery. But before starting that, they have to get all the drugs out of their system. As well because of continual use, their body has begun to depend on drugs or alcohol. They will eventually return to operating without drugs or alcohol, but this process requires time away from the substances, withdrawals, and the body’s measures of purging itself. This is detox, and it can be quite uncomfortable. Detox takes about 7-14 days, and during this time, the primary focus of a person starting recovery should be simply to wait it out.

Bad Advice 3: “You Can’t Afford It.”

It is true that detox can be an expensive reality for some (as most medical treatments are), but because of the ACA (Affordable Care Act), insurance companies are required to cover addiction treatment. As well, the ACA makes mental illness treatment coverage a requirement. Many individuals suffering form addiction also must manage other mental illness issues. Because of this, some plans cover 100 percent of addiction treatment. (If you have insurance and want to know more about what your options are, call a SoCal Detox addiction specialist now, for a free consultation: 888-590-0777.)

Bad Advice 2: “You Can Detox on Your Own”

Not only is this bad advice, it’s actually dangerous. A person whose body is addicted to drugs or alcohol is dependent on the chemicals it gets from the substances. A detox with 24-hour medical monitoring is the only way to safely detox. The discomfort involved can be alleviated by certain medications. When you detox on your own, you don’t have access to the meds that can ease the effects of withdrawals, making your detox a more difficult experience. Beyond the simple safety and comfort, a quality detox will offer you an experienced staff who can give you guidance for the process and direction for the future.

Bad Advice 4: “After Detox, You Don’t Need Any More Treatment.”

Detox is not primarily a place for deeper psychological investigation and self-reflection. It’s a place to get free from the effects and grip of drugs or alcohol. Full recovery from the disease of addiction is absolutely possible; however, this takes time and work. Detox, as vital as it is, is simply the first step on the journey to sobriety. If a person were to simply move back home directly after detox, they would be back in their old environment without understanding the deeper issues as to why they are compelled to use drugs or alcohol—even to the point of putting themselves and their loved ones in danger. Residential treatment is where a person learns life skills, craving and trigger management, emotional control, psychological reflection, and so much more.

Bad Advice 5: “It Doesn’t Matter Where You Go for Detox.”

If there is one thing we can count on in life, it’s that not all things are equal. Just like it is a bad idea to try to attempt a drug or alcohol detox on your own, a low-quality detox can be detrimental to your attempts at full recovery. If you are serious about getting clean, look for a detox that is licensed and accredited, has a caring, experienced staff; is able to help with withdrawal medications, and can help you make the best choices for your full recovery plan.

SoCal Detox in San Clemente California is here for you if you are ready to take that first step in your recovery journey. Please call one of our addiction specialists today for a free consultation: 888-590-0777.

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