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5 More Celebrities in The SoCal Recovery Scene

SoCal Detox
SoCal Detox

SoCal Detox editorial contributors include writers, editors, mental health and substance abuse treatment professionals who are trained to create credible and authoritative health information that is accurate, informative, and easy to understand.

In a previous article, we had put the spotlight on celebrities who have beaten their addiction to drugs and alcohol and found lasting sobriety. We often look to actors and actresses as well as to athletes, musicians and others in the public eye for inspiration in our own lives. When a celebrity falls from grace due to their addiction and are able to overcome their substance abuse it gives those struggling with their own issues hope that recovery is possible. The following are five more celebrities who are part of the recovery community in Southern California.

Colin Farrell

Collin Farrell in recovery

At one point in his career, Colin Farrell was known as one of Hollywood’s bad boys due to his behavior while under the influence of alcohol. However, the Minority Report and Miami Vice star went to rehab and spent considerable time out of the spotlight. Clean and sober since 2005, Farrell is thankful those days are behind him. In an article for The Telegraph, he stated the following:

“All the madness and all the chaos and all the people around me got so tiring after a while that I had to find another way, and while I don’t live a monk-like existence, I have a new appreciation for solitude that would have terrified me years ago. And I’m glad the madness is over. It was interesting to experience, but I’m glad it’s passed.”

Rob Lowe

rob lowe in recovery

Lowe was one of the stable of young actors in the 1980’s which were dubbed the “Brat Pack”, and he seemed to be more known for his womanizing, and his drug and alcohol abuse than his acting ability. Once blacklisted in Hollywood for his behavior, Lowe has been clean for 25 years and recently received the Spirit of Sobriety award at the Brent Shapiro Foundation Summer Spectacular held in Beverly Hills. In a People magazine article he was quoted as saying:

“Everyone at some point has to come to terms with their own relationship with drugs and alcohol. I have learned a few things over the years. Whenever I have an opportunity to share that with people, it’s very fulfilling to do it.”

Mick Mars

Mick Mars in recovery

The guitarist of the legendary Motley Crue has experienced his share of excess during the band’s nearly 35-year career. Mars has overcome both an alcohol addiction as well as an addiction to painkillers. Sober for the last few years, Mars had given up the party lifestyle in order to focus on music. In an article for The Fix, he stated the following:

“I don’t smoke. I don’t drink. I don’t have many vices, except playing my guitar too much,” he says. “I guess I’m kind of a boring guy these days. But that’s how I’m gonna keep going with Mötley Crüe as long as I can.”

Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith in Recovery

The actress, musician and wife of Will Smith, grew up in a tough Baltimore neighborhood where drug use was widespread. The daughter of a drug addict, Pinkett Smith had her struggles with drugs and alcohol until getting clean and sober in 1997. In a 2012 interview with IOL, she had remarked how blessed she has gotten this far:

“There was a possibility that I wouldn’t make it past 21—that was the reality. When I turned 40 (last year) it was a surreal moment because I had never imagined reaching 40.”

Wes Bentley

Wes Bently in Recovery

The star of American Horror Story: Hotel was addicted to both heroin and cocaine, and it nearly cost him his career in the early 2000’s. First getting recognition for his role in 1999’s American Beauty, he was unable to cope with his sudden fame and turns to drugs in order to cope. He entered drug rehab in the summer of 2009 after a failed stint the year before and has been clean ever since. Bentley has been candid about his drug abuse in interviews and he hopes that his story will help others.

“I want to speak to young artists who might think they should do drugs because they’re creative,” he said. “It’s something I fell into. I already had a wild, creative mind and I thought I could accelerate that with drugs. Then I learned many of the artists I admire did not do drugs … The biggest problem is the shame. It keeps you down. But you can turn it around.”

If You Are Struggling With Addiction, Recovery is Possible

Drug addiction is a progressive disease which can affect anybody and anytime. If you or a loved one need help in overcome your substance abuse issues, your road to recovery begins with SoCal Detox. We are one of the premier detox facilities in Southern California and we offer drug and alcohol detox programs can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Call SoCal Detox today and start your journey towards lifelong sobriety today. Recovery is not only possible, but it is a reality.

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