women heavy drinking

Mommy Juice: Heavy Drinking and Women

SoCal Detox
SoCal Detox

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There is nothing new about targeted advertising. It’s been happening for years. In fact, the alcohol industry is fairly adept at it. Most likely the very first full-page beer ad had a beautiful woman on it—a subconscious way to encourage men to connect their virility to having a cold one. So we are used to it.

The interesting thing is that the traditional audience for booze has been men. But some of that is changing. And it’s coming from all sides.

Maybe you’ve seen the shirts that say “Rosé all day.” Or the Instagram pics. Social media is getting in the game, or being used by the marketers in order to find its preferred audience.

And, certainly it can’t be bad for you if it’s on Etsy, right?

Go Where the Customer Is

These days it’s kind of hard to miss actually. Women are on social media. And Women purchase things. Booksellers have known for years that their primary market is women. Beyond novels, women are the primary shoppers for nearly everything. So it shouldn’t be too surprising that 8 out of 10 bottles of wine are bought by women.

This makes a little more sense out of the women’s apparel, mommy juice glasses, t-shirts, baby onesies for goodness sake.

It’s easy to see someone is looking to capitalize on the statistics. The Rosé all day campaign created by Rosé Season is just one of the culprits. Though they are one of the cleverest going so far as hosting a Rosé Rehab (not an event where you are encouraged to stop drinking by any means) all the way to offering wine popsicles.

Do We See the Problem?

If someone told me they were drinking wine all day, I would call them a taxi straight to the nearest detox. The reality is that more than one drink a day for a woman is high-risk drinking (it’s 2 drinks per day for men).

And really, we’re not suggesting that is a good habit. However, the mom juice approach certainly makes light of a deadly reality.

Can We Talk About It?

So are the marketers evil? Is wine the devil coming for our wives and our mothers? Maybe not. The issue is problem drinking. And it’s getting normalized. The reason it’s a problem is that it takes lives.

Life is stressful for moms. There is a lot going on that they have to juggle, manage, and maintain. But is heavy alcohol imbibing the best way to handle that?

It’s a women’s issue; it’s a men’s issue. Normalizing problem drinking and alcohol dependence is the gateway to alcoholism. And alcoholism is deadly. It can be a slippery slope from a few glasses of wine at the daily play date with the ladies to alcohol dependence. Just as it can be from a few beers after work with the guys to full blown addiction.

Am I Addicted?

Generally speaking, the severity of alcohol problems are quite broad. Binge drinking is as deadly as anything else in the world of drinking, and that can happen to anyone. However heavy drinking, such as what is normalized in terms like mommy juice and all-day drinking carries physical ramifications that are severe. As well, alcohol dependence quickly becomes the driving force in a person’s life, leaving all other aspects in its destructive wake.

According to this study by the NIAAA:

An estimated 5.3 million women in the United States drink in a way that threatens their health, safety, and general well-being. A strong case can be made that heavy drinking is more risky for women than men:

  • Heavy drinking increases a woman’s risk of becoming a victim of violence and sexual assault.
  • Drinking over the long term is more likely to damage a woman’s health than a man’s, even if the woman has been drinking less alcohol or for a shorter length of time than the man.

If you are not sure or have suspicions you have an addiction to alcohol, a self-screening is often the push needed to find a treatment plan. However, for an official evaluation, a professional should administer and review any screening.

Here are a couple of resources to help you decide if you are struggling with alcohol addiction:
The CAGE Questionnaire

What Now?

If you or a loved one have an addiction to alcohol, it is not a good idea to simply stop cold turkey. The withdrawals that come from quitting alcohol must be professionally managed.

Our women’s alcohol detox center is a warm, welcoming, and safe environment for you to get the help you need. We offer comprehensive alcohol detox services in a gender specific detoxification facility. In addition to offering supervised detox services and any necessary medications and services, we also offer counseling and peer support so that you don’t have to go it alone. We are with you every step of the way. Call us today: 888-590-0777.

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