Robert Downey Jr. and His Struggle with Addiction

Robert Downey Jr.

The world of celebrity—whether it is found in the worlds of acting, television, music or sports—is one where people from all walks of life are attracted to those who are in the media spotlight.  Celebrity equals wealth, fame, adoration and constant exposure in the media.  On the surface, those who are in the spotlight seemingly have everything […]

Cocaine and the Brain


Cocaine addiction is one of the deadliest substance use disorders in the U.S. today. Every year, there are 5,000 deaths and almost half a million hospitalizations due to the illegal drug. This powerful stimulant can easily result in a substance use disorder, along with various other physical and mental side effects. Using cocaine means that […]

The Difference Between OxyContin and Oxycodone

Oxycodone Addiction - Oxycontin

They sound the same. Indeed the are nearly the same. However, there are a couple of differences that are easy enough to identify. This will keep you informed when making decisions in a doctor’s office. Or it can give you insight on what you or a loved one have already been prescribed. But one thing […]

90 People Overdosed on K2 … What Is It?

K2/Spice detox at SoCal

On August 15th, 2018, people across the world were shocked to hear of more than 90 people suddenly collapsing in a park in New Haven, Connecticut. In May, more than 25 people suddenly collapsed and were sent to the hospital in Brooklyn, New York. The cause in these instances and many others was the same: […]

Understanding Ecstasy: Addiction and Awareness

ecstasy addiction treatment

There is a bit of an air of mystery around the drug that is known as ecstasy. It shows up amongst young people and has all the signs of a romanticized ideal that makes it attractive to experimenters and uninitiated: easy, quick, available. This “fun drug,” however, is extremely addictive and has a dark aspect […]

Sober but Angry: What Is a Dry Drunk?

dry drunk detox

The idea of recovery is a profound one. It is someone choosing to take the steps necessary to create an entire new life for themselves. It’s more than simply quitting. Much more. You can stop eating unhealthy foods. You can stop seeing a friend who is bad for you. You can stop doing just about […]

Demi Lovato’s Opioid Overdose and How Narcan Can Save a Life

narcan detox california

Narcan can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Here’s info on what happens, where to get it, and … why it’s not the full solution. As was widely publicized and talked about in across the media, in late July, 2018, Demi Lovato, pop starlet and TV personality, overdosed on heroin. However, one of her […]

Benefits of Group Therapy During Detox

group therapy in detox

There are many approaches to recovery and addiction treatment. Every person is unique and each one can respond differently to depending on their personal history, temperament, and more. Some need the steps; some can’t find help in that environment. Some like working with animals, and some get nothing from spending time with horses. However, despite […]

How Sobriety Is Beautiful

sober is beautiful

As we have discussed previously, getting clean from drugs and alcohol is a whole-life transformation. There are plenty of concrete benefits to finding lasting recovery. With those things in mind, as well as being a drug and alcohol detox located in Orange County, California, we are very aware many other benefits of recovery. One of […]

Am I Addicted to Prescription Drugs?

prescription drug addiction

Prescription medications are powerful. And they are useful tools. When used as they have been intended, they can treat or manage diseases as well as offer relief to the symptoms many diseases bring. Prescription drugs can treat such a wide array of ailments and disorders as cancer, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, and many more. As […]