Detox Away From Home

Why Drug or Alcohol Detox Away From Your Home Town?

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SoCal Detox

SoCal Detox editorial contributors include writers, editors, mental health and substance abuse treatment professionals who are trained to create credible and authoritative health information that is accurate, informative, and easy to understand.

Although selecting a detox program and the right facility is a difficult decision, choosing to leave a home area or even a home state for treatment is often a wise decision. Even though “home” (or home area) feels safe and comfortable, home is also the place where an addiction was able to build. Most likely unchecked.

Eventually coming back home with a completely new outlook will be the ultimate goal of any addiction treatment program. However, sometimes getting out of the original environment is the right move to find a fresh start.

While the daunting idea of detox might be even a bit more daunting with the possibility of traveling to a new area, consider the benefits. Here are some more specifics on why a fresh start with new surroundings might be a good way to go for you or a loved one looking or addiction treatment.

Full Attention on Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment is an involved process that includes multiple therapies, group work, individual treatment, and more. It takes focus. And sometimes being close to home becomes a distraction. Beyond that, a person in treatment is often reevaluating much of their identity and life-approaches. Being away from familiar people, places and things often offers positive space for that kind of personal growth and self-discovery.

Stick It Out

One of the biggest realities of successful treatment is that you have to complete the program to get the results. Simple enough, but that is the baseline for any lasting recovery. Treatment can be a tough road with many variables, but the one way to guarantee that it will NOT work is to leave.

When a person gets treatment away from home, the simple fact of distance helps alleviate the option of dropping out. For a person in the midst of the real work of recovery, there are definitely highs and lows. However being a thousand miles from home makes sticking it out that much more of a viable option.

Detox Away From Triggers

Traveling to get treatment removes the person from negative influences as well as the triggers that might be at the root of their addiction. Triggers are anything in a person’s life that could cause them to desire to return to their substance use. This includes people, settings, attitudes … even songs and TV shows can have a trigger effect.

To give a person looking for treatment the best shot at recovery, it’s a good idea to get them away from the things in their lives that have become associated with their former habits. In treatment they will be given the tools to handle the triggers, but while in detox it’s a good idea to simply get them out of the old space.

Get Away From Family

This might be tough to hear if your loved one is in need of treatment, but sometimes the family contributes to the problem. It might be dysfunctional dynamics or even enabling. Or it might just be the connection to years of a dangerous habit. Whatever it is, family and close friends can complicate matters. And in early recovery/detox that’s the last thing a person needs. Often a new environment fosters the growth with a new support network and can help move an individual further down the road to real, lasting change. That way their return to family will be on new terms with new hope for a fresh start.

A New Outlook: Detox in Orange County, California

Health, purpose, and passion can be part of recovery. Traveling to a new destination to achieve these results is made easier by detox in a serene and peaceful surrounding. Being in another state or beautiful surroundings can be the key to a healthier attitude and peace.

SoCal Detox is an ideal place to get away from a negative setting and begin to make lasting change. Our program makes use of professional, monitored detox in combination with preparation methods that help individuals move to the next level of care with individual attention to each client. As well, our beautiful setting in a beach city and moderate climate ensure that our residents are comfortable in one of the most important stages of their new lives.

*We have gender specific detox facilities for both men and women.

Call SoCal Detox today for a free consultation: 888-590-0777.

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