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What to Expect Detoxing From Opiates

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All drugs have some degree of physical and psychological symptoms associated with withdrawal, and none are more frightening than those experienced from opiates. Opiates are a wide group of drugs that are highly addictive, and people who try to quit these substances experience extreme discomfort, pain, and can even have complications that are life threatening without professional intervention. In order for those who are addicted to opiates to completely break the cycle of dependence and addiction, they first must successfully complete medical detoxification.

While many people realize the importance of safely detoxing from opiates through medical intervention, they may feel they can quit drugs on their own by quitting drugs ‘cold turkey” or by utilizing some form of home detoxification using over-the-counter products. This method of opiate detox are extremely risky and can make one’s opiate addiction and overall health much worse. In order to minimize the fear that is associated with opiate detox, it is important to understand what opiates are as a drug as well as a timeline of what to expect when you start the detox process.

detox from opiates

If you or a loved one is struggling with opiate abuse and need quality detox programs that effective, proven to work and safe, call SoCal Detox toll-free today.

What Are Opiates?

Opiates are drugs that are derived from opium which is found in the seeds of the poppy plant. Within the opiate family of drugs, there are two main subgroups. Opiates refer to drugs such as heroin, morphine and codeine and are produced from the poppy plant itself. Opioids are similar in chemical structure to opiate drugs but are created in a laboratory. Opioids are the main active ingredient that are found in common prescription painkillers such as Oxycontin, Percocet and Percodan.

These drugs work by binding to specific receptors in the brain called opioid receptors. The greatest concentration of these specific receptors are in the brain, spinal cord and gastrointestinal tract and are also found in various concentrations in other organs. When these drugs attach to their receptors, they reduce the perception of pain. Opiates and opioids can also produce drowsiness, mental confusion, nausea, constipation, and, depending upon the amount of drug taken, can depress respiration. Some people experience a euphoric response to opioid medications, since these drugs also affect the brain regions involved in reward.

What Can Be Expected When You Are Detoxing From Opiates?

For people who are about to quit opiates and start the detox process, the number one question they have is how long will the withdrawal symptoms last? Coming up with an exact timeline of symptoms and their duration is highly dependent on a number of factors. For example, the severity and duration of opiate detox depends on the length of time opiates have been taken and the frequency in which they are taken. Additionally, the opiate detox timeline is affected by underlying medical conditions that an addict may have as well as the presence of other illicit substance in their system.

A General Opiate Detox Timeline

In general, the onset of opiate withdrawal symptoms start to occur within 12 hours of taking the last dose. The most notable symptom experienced during this initial phase of opiate detox is muscle aches and pain. Along with the pain, those going through withdrawal will sweat profusely, have diarrhea, experience loss of appetite and insomnia. Additionally, hose going through the first stage of opiate detox almost always experience anxiety which can lead to the onset of panic attacks. This initial phase of detoxing from opiates will last 24 to 48 hours after the last dose.

detoxing from opiates

After the initial 48 hours, the worst of the discomfort and pain usually subsides, but those going through opiate detox are not completely out of the woods just yet. During this second phase–which usually occurs between day three to day five–those undergoing opiate detox need to focus on eating properly in order to boost immune system functioning. Feeling the shivers, vomiting and diarrhea are still common withdrawal symptoms that are felt during this time period. After the sixth day of opiate detox, people will start feeling much better physically, but the psychological cravings to use the drug are very strong.

What to Look for in a Opiate Detox Facility

If you are looking for an opiate detox facility, there are several important considerations to keep in mind during your search. First and foremost, the detox facility must be licensed, clean and run by experienced staff that understands the dynamics of opiate withdrawal and the potential complications that may arise with opiate withdrawal. Because of the severity of opiate withdrawal, medication therapy is an essential cornerstone of the detox process.

Drugs such as Suboxone and buprenorphine are used to help minimize the discomfort and pain of withdrawal. It is important that you find an opiate detox facility that uses these medications with strict medical supervision. While these medications are beneficial in aiding the opiate detox process, they do have the potential to become addictive. Other factors that need to be considered in finding the ideal opiate detox facility include the types of services that are offered before, during and after detoxification as well as location and the rates of measurable success the detoxification treatment center obtains with its programs.

Are You Looking For Opiate Detox Services? SoCal Detox Can Help You Starting Today

If you are seeking to break the cycle of opiate addiction in your life once and for all, don’t take matters into your own hands by trying to quit on your own. As one of the premier detox facilities in southern California, SoCal Detox offers opiate detox programs that are evidence-based, proven to work and administered by an expert and compassionate staff with many years in the addiction recovery field. From the moment you enter our facility to the day you successfully complete treatment, our staff will implement an individualized plan of recovery that can change as your needs change during detox.

Take the first step towards freedom from your opiate addiction and call SoCal Detox today!

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